Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology, otherwise known as drones, has become increasingly advanced in recent years. Drones allow us the capability to go places that are extremely difficult or unsafe to reach for humans. Drone (UAV) technology can be used in numerous ways. From small parcel delivery and fighting fires to conducting search and rescue efforts or monitoring agriculture, the possibilities are nearly endless.

Power companies, for example, are using drones to check power lines and structures for routine maintenance and after severe weather events. These companies need a safe place to train drone pilots, without the risk of damaging property or technology outside of a training enclosure.

The Federal Aviation Administration has special rules when testing drones (UAVs) in the open air that differ based on the purpose of the drone operation, however researchers and pilots in training can practice within an enclosed space without additional restrictions. Drone netting enclosures provide a safe, dependable structure for containment while offering pilot practice in natural elements. The size of your drone netting enclosure will depend on the type of research or training you are conducting. Our team has experience working with both academic institutions, government entities and private business to build everything from research facilities to practice areas for drone racing.

Our team of experts at Golf Range Netting have installed drone netting enclosures around the country. Check out our drone enclosure project at Big Bend Community College in Washington or take a look at the Unmanned Aircraft System Pavilion we constructed for Kansas State University. Are you ready for a free consultation to discuss your drone enclosure needs? Give our team at Golf Range Netting a call today at 866-938-4448!

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