The amount of families participating in outdoor activities this year is drastically increasing due to COVID-19. This means more people will be utilizing their local community centers, athletic fields and parks for entertainment. More people at these facilities means more chances for an accident to occur, especially in sports. If you’ve been on the fence about installing netting at your community center, keep reading to learn why we think it’s never been more essential.



First and foremost, netting increases safety. Many community centers feature numerous amenities like sports courts, swimming pools and more. It’s essential to have a barrier between these areas to reduce the chance an accident will occur. Think about it – if you have an unattended swimming pool, a tragedy can happen in a split second. On a less serious note, not having a barrier between tennis courts, basketball courts, baseball fields and other sports fields could result in injuries among bystanders. With more people gathering in community centers, it’s crucial to have measures in place to keep them protected. The Golf Range Netting team has years of experience designing safe netting systems and can easily create a custom solution that works for you.



COVID-19 has made it difficult for families to do things without worrying about their health and safety. If you’re trying to help people feel safe using your community center, a comprehensive netting system can make it look more appealing. Netting systems have always promoted safety, but now they’re attractive to people in a slightly different way. Netting can help encourage social distancing by distinguishing between areas and providing opportunities for people to separate. Yes, we know what you’re thinking – netting isn’t an impenetrable barrier. However, it can designate between areas and encourage people to stay away from others when using an amenity. With many families flocking to their neighborhood sports fields and parks, netting can help them feel better about coming out and enjoying their community without the fear of having others near.


People and businesses alike have truly been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. If you’re looking to attract more people to your community center while keeping them safe at the same time, a netting system is a great choice. Golf Range Netting can design a sports netting system to keep people safe in and around your sports fields. We can also create a custom solution for other areas of your community center, like swimming pools and parks, to help people feel safe about venturing out of the house. Installing a professional netting system can help your facility better appeal to the community now and in the future.

Call us today at 866-938-4448 to learn all that we can do for you!


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