Netting is often differentiated by its purpose: sports, commercial or industrial, retractable or breakaway, etc. But while those categories can be helpful in your initial search, you’ll soon find several other variables to be considered. These variables include the material used, the size and shape of its holes, and the construction of the net itself. Each factor affects a net’s behavior upon impact and the best use case.

Types of Netting and Their Benefits

What is Mesh Netting?

At Golf Range Netting, we offer mesh fabric netting. Other companies also provide plastic mesh netting, but we prefer the durability and flexibility of knitted or woven fabric.

What material is mesh? It’s a synthetic fabric made of polyester, nylon, or spandex.

Each of these materials has pros and cons, and one may be better, depending on its use.

  • Polyester netting is strong and durable. You don’t need to worry about rapid deterioration, even with regular impact. Its resilience to heat, wear, and the elements make it great for outdoor netting that sees plenty of use.
  • Nylon netting is resistant to UV and holds up to various weather conditions. As a result, it’s great for outdoor applications. It’s a top choice for baseball fields and batting cages.
  • Vinyl netting is durable, easy to clean and maintain, and highly visible. Like nylon, you can count on it in ballparks and stadiums, and it is especially attractive because it doesn’t show dirt or wear quite so quickly.

Golf Range Netting offers nylon and polyester mesh options.

Knotted vs. Knotless Netting

In addition to the type of mesh fabric netting used, you can also define types of netting by whether they are knotted.

Knotted, or “bonded,” netting is the stronger of the two. For example, one strand of our knotted mesh netting has a tensile breaking strength of 216 lbs. It’s durable, unlikely to break, and rigid.

When you’re looking for a barrier for baseline and outfield netting, soccer goals, basketball barriers, and aviary netting, knotted fabric netting will provide security to spectators and the property you’re looking for.

Knotless netting, on the other hand, is of equal strength throughout the entire product, whereas knotted netting is weakest at the joints. The payoff is that it does not have the same maximum strength as bonded nets.

A good example is our direct impact golf netting, which is knotless. It’s great for barrier purposes, golf cage baffle panels, debris containment, and other applications where it will be regularly bombarded by balls or debris.

Diamond vs. Square Netting

The shape of the holes is another quality that differentiates types of netting. While it may seem a mere cosmetic difference, it does change how the net performs.

Square mesh hangs neatly and evenly, is easy to install, and is usually more expensive than diamond netting because you need more material to cover the same space.

Our diamond polyester netting, in comparison, looks loose and relaxed. The best way to describe it is flexible. It has a lot of giving and stretches upon impact. Because of this, it must be hung taut for direct impact situations in which you’d want the object to come to a complete, immediate stop.

Something else to consider about diamond netting is that it is shapeless without a border when hung. Square netting, alternatively, has a consistent shape even when borderless.

What Type of Netting is Best for Me?

With all the above factors considered, what must you consider before purchasing a custom net for your business or home? You’ll need to first know:

  • The conditions that the material will be subject to
  • What materials will the net need to block
  • The weight of these materials and how much weight the net will need to hold at any one time
  • If you will need line of sight through the net, and
  • The speed and frequency of impact the material will need to withstand

Golf Range Netting, our portfolio, demonstrates our vast experience in crafting, engineering, and installing custom netting solutions across the US, tailored to fulfill your unique requirements. Explore our portfolio to witness our outstanding results.

This is not an exhausting, all-inclusive list. If you have any doubts, contact Golf Range Netting. We have decades of experience designing, engineering, manufacturing, and installing custom netting in the US. We’re confident we can equip you with the best netting for your needs!

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