Professional sports are a big deal in many countries around the world. Here in the United States, one that stands out among the crowd and is often known to be “America’s pastime” is baseball. For some baseball fans, few things in life bring them more enjoyment than experiencing the sport in person. Regardless of the team, there are a few baseball parks in America that every baseball enthusiast should visit.

Please continue reading below to learn what parks we would put at the top of our baseball bucket list!


Wrigley Field

Wrigley Field is a true staple in baseball. Located in Chicago, this field is the longtime home of the Chicago Cubs. Few baseball parks offer as authentic an experience as Wrigley, with its iconic main-entry marquee, ivy-covered walls and hand-operated scoreboard. What’s truly unique is you don’t even have to be inside the park’s walls to see a live game. Spectators can get a great view from the many rooftop seats above the buildings adjacent to the park.


Fenway Park

Known as “The Cathedral of Baseball,” Fenway Park is in what some consider a city known best for its professional sports teams – Boston. Most Bostonians experience their first Red Sox game at a very young age, and looking at the park it’s no secret why. Fenway Park is full of history, from its iconic “Green Monster” to the beautiful red brick exterior. Baseball fans from all over flock to Fenway every year to get a glimpse of all that this famous park has to offer.


Yankee Stadium

Finally, Yankee Stadium in The Bronx, New York, is a piece of New York City history. In a city running short on land, Yankee Stadium is a good use of the ground it sits on. While the Yankees have played in New York since the early 1900s, the current stadium was built in the early 2000s. Its most prominent feature is by far its design, including a limestone and granite exterior that makes for a striking appearance from the outside. Even though the stadium is relatively new, most baseball fans will find the experience of attending a game in Yankee Stadium outweighs all the hassle it takes to get there.


While these are certainly not the only baseball parks worth noting, they’re easily three of the most famous parks of any sport in America. If you’re a baseball fan, we recommend adding a visit to these three parks to your bucket list!

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