As the weather begins to change heading into winter, sports facility managers should be reminded of necessary sports netting maintenance. Most youth sports are in between seasons as the holiday season gets underway, making now the perfect time to take stock and make facility and netting repairs as needed. Here are the three areas you’ll want to pay special attention to when it comes to sports netting installations.


Netting – This may seem the most obvious, but you’ll want to look for tears or fraying. Pay particularly close attention to net fasteners or any points of netting that bear weight. Nets are susceptible to damage from the elements and children climbing or pulling on the netting.


Hardware – Checking the integrity of hardware should be done once a year to ensure the safety of athletes, staff, and spectators. Be sure to tighten or replace missing or damaged hardware. Metal clips and bolts can become rusted and unstable over time. You may need special equipment to reach particularly tall hardware, depending on your facility infrastructure. For example, the highest points of the poles supporting golf driving range netting may require cherry picker or other specialty gear.


The Frame – Inspect the frame components, either for goal posts or infrastructure, for rusty areas. Sanding down rust and applying fresh paint is a simple way to give your sports netting installation a longer lifespan while also making your facility more appealing for guests and fans.


If you’re not sure where to start or you’re looking for expert advice, give our team at Golf Range Netting a call at (866) 938-4448. We offer more than 25 years of experience constructing custom netting solutions nationally and internationally and provide free consultations.

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